H ello, my name is
Giovanni Sabetti
"In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.”
– Harold Geneenveniam
Giovanni Sabetti
From a very young age, Giovanni Sabetti joined an established company in the gas distribution sector - owned by his uncle Eugenio Di Giuseppe - and began his professional career as an entry level employee gradually transitioning to the technological systems sector.
The apprenticeship continued through the eighties and nineties, until 1994 when Sabetti stands out for his professionalism, resourcefulness and determination.
In 1994, he created his own company where he focused on civil installations as a supplier of increasingly important groups.
In 1995 he diversified into the sector of industrial technological systems for large-scale distribution chains and large national companies such as Todini S.p.A., Maccaferri Group, Grandi Lavori Fincosit.
Professionalism, determination and resourcefulness are among the qualities that allowed Sabetti to expand his activities to Germany. This experience will lead him to further strengthen his entrepreneurial qualities also in the field of internationalization and to operate not only in his native Abruzzo, but also throughout the national and German territory. Hiis technological systems company grew rapidly in the local market, to position itself in a very short time among the most qualified Italian companies in Germany: Stuttgart, Munich, Leipzig, Nuremberg. Berlin and Potsdam became fertile operational headquarters, adding exponentially to Sabetti’s experience.
In 1998 he launches his company in Rome, marking the beginning of a strong expansion on a national level.
It is from Rome that, thanks to the experience gained all over Italy and having set up his idea of a "one stop shop" for plant engineering works (including advanced, technological and complex) Giovanni, begins his expansion in his homeland, first in the public sector with very sensitive and delicate plant engineering activities for high-level customers such as various ministries and the Council of Ministers offering turnkey solutions for construction, design and implementation of plants - including high value-added technological ones. Today, the company is considered one of the most reliable leaders in plant engineering and data transmission, having acquired all the SOAs and the Nulla Osta di Secreta since 2002. A format then unprecedented in our country, which, starting in the 90s from his native Abruzzo, has extended to Lazio and from there, in a matter of a few years, to the whole national territory.
Even the private market proves him right. In the 2000s, the entrepreneurial companies controlled by Giovanni successfully operated throughout the country for important public and private clients, including large-scale distribution and logistics networks. Sabetti’s constructions are large industrial plants for logistics and large-scale distribution, such as PAM and COOP; in particular, we note the construction of the systems of what ,between 2008 and 2010, was the largest shopping center in Europe, in Florence, the first multiplex cinema theater in Italy, of the French multinational Vis Pathé, and the systems specials at the headquarters of the State Police Flight Attendants inside Peretola airport.
Giovanni’s clear vision of the market alongside a tireless curiosity dictated by his passion allowed him to anticipate and avoid the collapse of the real estate market in 2008 by diversifying the activities of his group. In 2010, Giovanni governed a well-established company in the segment of purchases, management and collection of tax credits from bankruptcy procedures of large companies and, at the same time, he specializes his traditional expertise on special systems.
In the same year, he acquires the exclusive use of the MICROSAT brand.
At the end of 2009 and up to 2013, the experience he obtained alongside the managerial and entrepreneurial skills demonstrated help him to carry out important projects for FINMECCANICA in the field of monitoring.
These are the years in which Giovanni perfects his skills in consulting for the design and development of corporate business plans and for the dealings of bankruptcy credits.
During this time, in 2012, he also entered the security sector by founding SEIM System, with which he carries out the design and construction of IT structures and infrastructures in the security field. The initiative is successful and the solutions are recognized as valid enough to be invited to hold seminars at the Military Defense and Security Observatory, ultimately receiving an invitation to organize some ad-hoc thematic seminars at the ICSA Foundation on the theme of Counterterrorism (Turkish forces etc) and critical infrastructure.
- The International Congress of presentations of Relations between Jihad Terrorist with ICSA Foundations, heads of the Ministry of Defense, Foreign Affaris, Justice, Intelligence and State Police
- The Advanced Training Course of OSDIFE - Observatory on Security and Defense, with CBRNe nucleus - on the terrorist threat, directly dealing with the participation of the intelligence representation of Albania and Turkey on the final day;
- Congress on "Safety and Monitoring for Merchant Ships", with the ICSA Foundation, OSDIFE and the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
- Giovanni has always participated as an expert in his sector, organizer and speaker. Seim System was awarded in Washington D.C. (USA) with the "Italian Excellence" award as the best company for the successful format for internationalization; award presented by Santo Versace.
His time in Germany marked Giovanni Sabetti, particularly the distance from his loved ones and his land - to which he is very attached along with the difficulties of launching a new company among other obstacles convinced Giovanni of the need to work for others, to facilitate paths of personal fulfillment for people in need or to whom life has not offered opportunities.

In 2015 he approached the Nahima Foundation, with which he shares the statutory principles and values enshrined in the Code of Ethics: Development of cultural and professional projects to facilitate dialogue between cultures and countries, focus on "doing" and sharing, assistance and enhancement of talents and excellences in difficulty.
In 2016, the newly reconstituted Presidency of the Nahima Foundation appeals to the skills of Giovanni Sabetti to reorganize the foundation, marked by a promising start, and assigns him the pro bono role first of all as Delegate for Relations with production companies , which evolved at the beginning of 2020, into that of Executive Vice President with responsibility for Strategic Projects and Abroad.
In his relationship with the Nahima Foundation - today in its fortunate final phase of reorganization and restructuring - Giovanni has spent time in Italy and abroad, on various fronts, among which we point out:
- Allowed the achievement of an integrated project - supported by INTESA SAN PAOLO ALBANIA - to support the reform of agricultural production and distribution mechanisms aimed at strengthening domestic consumption and exports: the Nahima Foundation. Through the decisive contribution of the SEIM SYSTEM Company (owned by Giovanni Sabetti, winner of the Italian Excellence Award for internationalization), it was possible to ensure that Dr. Lucchini, owner of Idromeccanica Lucchini - international leader in water systems and greenhouses, as well as the contact person for Agriculture of the Milan Expo dedicated to “feeding the planet” - went to Albania to contribute to this reform. The results of the activity were disclosed during an international conference dedicated to the renewal of agricultural technologies held in Albania. The aforementioned made it possible to finally structure the dialogue with Albania in a profitable way, making it possible to achieve the full support for a cross-border (IPA INTERREG) project aimed at combating fires, floods and marine pollution (now fully funded). Furthermore, Sabetti assisted the Presidency of the Foundation in the dialogue with the government leaders of the country, allowing the stipulation of a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania on various fronts, such as that of critical infrastructures, security and protection of citizens (also Civil Protection), etc.
- Coordinated initiatives to support the design of the natural gas transportation and distribution framework connected to TAP (and in the future IAP), in harmony with the specific EU directives for Western Balkans initiatives, allowing the introduction of macrotopics such as resilience and sustainability in the country's agenda of dialogue and pipeline projects, currently being defined.
- Supported Nahima’s dialogue with the equivalent US foundation Renaissance Evolution, supporting the international conference held on 12/12/2019 in the Vatican, Pontifical Urbaniana University, participating with the top management of the Nahima Foundation and the Renaissance Evolution Foundation live streamed from NYC. The event created the embryo of the Vatican Security Observatory project. Consequently, this made it possible to hold the important synergistic meeting held in the Vatican, at the Pontifical Urbaniana University, between Nahima, Renaissance Evolution, Miter Corporation and Ergo. The meeting laid the foundations for a broad-spectrum cooperation between Italy / USA / Vatican on the issues of security, distance learning, specialist teaching and more.
- Thanks to Giovanni, a collaboration was born between the Nahima Foundation and Renaissance Evolution aimed at spreading the innovative Methodology developed by the American Academy for the training of the Chief Cultural Officer in Italy, the Balkan countries and the MENA area, a new C-suite level for public institutions. and private companies and for manufacturing companies that intend to focus correctly on internationalization.
The solid collaboration established between the two foundations was sealed by the appointment of Giovanni as European Operation Director of Renaissance Evolution with a mandate to represent the Foundation in the aforementioned countries.
Due to the COVID 19 crisis, Giovanni was forced to remain in the USA (where he was with the President of the Nahima Foundation for a philanthropic commitment). He took advantage of his time there to promote the rethinking and integral reorganization of the Foundation, creating the cornerstones for the birth, in the second half of 2020, of the Hera Foundation.
On a professional level, today, Giovanni Sabetti is recognized for his ability and impressive experience to work as a strategic consultant for companies.
On a personal level, father of a daughter he adores, Giovanni is a reflection of the values and qualities that Italy, and in particular his native Marsica, embody: education, respect for commitments, fairness and creativity.
get in touch
601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, South Building,
Suite 900 Washington, District of Columbia, 20004
+1 (954) 980-1461